Why is Car Making Noise when Starting?
At the point when a vehicle ages, its parts tend to loosen. The components inside begin to relax because of the vibrations of driving on uneven streets and various surfaces.
A few sounds are normal, given how old the vehicle is; however, a few noises appear to come from the vehicle that is not normal.
There are various kinds of noises a car can make when starting, including clicking, grinding, whining, rattling, shrieking, or even pounding. Each type of noise indicates a different problem.
Let’s have a look at why is a car making noise when starting the engine and what each sound means.
Do You Hear a Clicking Noise When Starting a car?
There are two types of clicking that may occur, rapid one or a single loud clicking sound.
A clicking sound is the most common one that comes out of a car engine. In case of hearing a rapid clicking when trying to start a car, it indicates that your battery only has the power to start the starter motor but does not have enough ability to crank the engine up.
Each time the motor turns on and off, the pinion gear’s teeth jangle with the flywheel teeth resulting in the car making a clicking noise when starting.
Another clicking sound is one loud click. Such noise is produced when there is a problem with the battery, starter motor, or starter relay/solenoid of the car.
A simple solution to this type of clicking is to recharge the battery, clean the terminals and tighten them. It will help fix the loud clicks.
Running a bench test to check the starter’s functioning is an excellent way of ensuring everything is okay in that department.
Why is a Car Making Whining Noise When Starting?
A car making a whining noise when trying to start indicates a fault in the power steering pump or the alternator belt/pulley is old or damaged.
When you start the car, the alternator belt gets the most impact on the alternator. As the battery charges, the alternator output reduces as the load on the belt decreases, which results in the whining sound fading away.
This problem is also common in chilly weather when your car makes a whining noise when starting in the cold.
In winters, the steering fluid is highly likely to become cold, affecting its viscosity and causing problems with the steering pump’s functioning.
To fix this problem, drain out the steering pump oil and use the one made for cold weather operation. The steering will work smoother, and there will be no more whining noises.
Sometimes, the car makes a whining noise but won’t start. It happens because of a faulty starter. The Bendix becomes defective, which it supposes to turn the flywheel through the gear.
I always recommend a bench test for all the problems regarding the starter. You may also need to check the teeth on the flex plate.
Turn the ignition off and rotate the crank pulley with your hand and start the car again. If it turns out, then the problem might be some missing teeth on the flex plate.
Why is Car Making Rattling Noise When Starting?
An engine produces a rattling noise when you dry-start it. The sound comes from the camshaft and valves, specifically during the break-in period when the engine is the least lubricated.
When the engine starts, the sound disappears within a couple of seconds. If there is a faulty starter or flywheel, the rattling sound may occur because of these too.
It is quite the usual problem for drivers, especially those who live in areas with rugged landscapes.
When there is a loose exhaust, on startup it shakes now and again, which produces the rattling sound.
Cold weather makes the oil go thick, and when it is unable to reach the top of the valves, the valve train creates a rattling sound.
Don’t worry as it’s just because of the weather. Let the engine run for a few minutes; once you reach the operating temperature, the noise will go away.
When there is a rattling sound in the car when driving, it can most likely be caused by a loose engine mount, strut mount, or transmission mount. The reason could also be the exhaust system.
Sometimes, a car makes a rattling noise when driving slow. It may happen because of a loose or worn-out heat shield, muffler, or a bad torque converter.
However, if you hear a rattling sound when accelerating at low speed, it could be because of a loosely attached motor.
How to Quiet a Squeaky Belt?
The squeak you hear is usually the fan belt making noise when starting the car. It happens when the pullies become rusty or have become quite old.
However, if the squeaky sound is annoyingly loud, dust, moisture, and debris could be the reason.
To fix this, start with a physical inspection to look for the actual problem. If it’s the rusty belt, wd-40 will save the day for you.
You may need WD-40 Specialist Penetrant. See the Latest Price Here.
Can You Spray WD40 on the Serpentine Belt?
The answer is yes; you can spray WD40 even on some of the rusty pullies but just on the bores. Here is how to use wd40 for a noisy serpentine belt.
Begin by cranking up the engine; spray wd40 evenly on the belt’s inner side, and make sure to use very little. You do not want it to drip everywhere and everything to start slipping.
How to Fix a Squeaky Belt with Soap?
Instead of using tricky ways or spending loads of money, you can quickly fix a squeaky belt with some soap at home.
Take a piece of soap bar. I always recommend taking a long part to easily reach the belt’s inner side where the pully is.
How that you have a chunk of soap, start rubbing it on the inside of the belt. Make sure the ignition is off.
Once you have covered that many areas, stop and start the engine and turn it off immediately. In this way, you are moving it to expose the rest of the belt. Rub soap in there too.
Repeat it until the whole belt is covered in soap. Remember, you have to rub the soap on the inner side and the belt’s upper side as it will be of no use.
When you are good to go, start the engine, and you will see; no squeaks whatsoever.
Want to know about, Car Making Grinding Noise When Starting
When the Bendix (starter drive gear) fails to engage with the flywheel to get the engine going, a grinding noise occurs when these two metals rub against each other.
Primarily the misalignment of the flywheel and Bendix is the cause behind the grinding sound, but the gear’s worn-out teeth can also cause it.
Sometimes, the gears fail to engage because of a faulty starter coil. I always suggest getting professional help as replacing the lousy coil is the only way to fix it.
Let’s talk about Ticking Noise in Engine When Starting
If your car makes a ticking noise when starting, it can probably be due to a lack of lubrication on the motor top. When the valves open and close, they produce this kind of noise.
Whenever you hear a ticking noise, know that there is a problem with the vehicle’s oil delivery system, or there isn’t enough oil. After proper lubrication, the noise will go away.
Another reason behind the ticking could be the knocking rod. When the bearing attached to it becomes faulty, the rod starts producing the ticks.
A bad fuel injector can also be the culprit; in this case, if the valves are opening and closing faster than usual, it can also produce noise, but that is a standard operating sound, so nothing to worry about here.
The Car Makes a Screeching Noise when Starting
A car makes a screeching sound for two main reasons.
The first reason is a faulty Bendix drive, for which you’ll need to get a new starter motor. Also, if there is a broken gear ring on the flywheel, so you have to get a new one.
The second reason is a damaged serpentine belt. There could also be a problem with the tensioner and idler pulleys, so check them as well.
To fix a serpentine belt, a belt dressing spray / belt conditioner would work well.
You may need a belt squeal spray i.e. Gunk Belt Conditioner. See the Latest Price Here.
Various clicking and rattling coming from the machines can be quite annoying and if you have had enough of them, sound deadening material for cars will provide you with peace while driving.
Where there are so many options available in the market, the butyl sound deadener works the best.
You may need Kilmat Sound Deadener. See the Latest Price Here.
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